Inside writer’s mind: a delve approach

After a long pause in my regular blog writing routine, I thought its time to make a come back and put something to my followers, which is for the reason that I do  not want to lose them for nothing. If I am not wrong, it has been more than a month after which this is my first blog – which has been one of my longest hiatus in my regular blog writing routine.

For me, reading, writing and learning something new in English language and literature has been my passion since my childhood. But, today, this is not about me – it’s about you! – about those who are passionately into the world of writing and in most cases for those who want to turn their regular writing habit as their professional skill.

What I personally believe is that in all of us there is a potentiality of becoming a good writer or may be a full-time professional writer. The only thing we have to pin-point is to tickle those feelings which will hold us, guide us and push us sporadically in times when we are stuck with some intricate nuisances.

The biggest problem in common we have is that we are afraid of ourself  and once we can overcome it, we are gagged with another fear – a fear of the people – a sense of fear that, “The world will think me gawk” because they will be able to figure out my mistakes, my shortcomings —  sense of fear that, “People will start judging me after they will figure out my strength and weakness.” And, finally, as a result we end of confining ourself in our imagination – but, when the fact is that NO BODY CARES WHAT WE DO!

As I am writing this post, I know how many people are going to read it and how many of them will just stop even skimming with a vainglorious look on their face and a quick smirk. 

There just two ways by which we can overcome our fear; either thinking that you are alone in this planet and no body is looking at you, and another is, you are the only one – an image of mastery of this entire universe!

A couple of days ago I was reading an article from “New York Times” and the topic was “Zombie Nouns”  in editorial section. I was so fascinated by the way columnist had indicated and explained how a zombie noun affects our writing and how it tries to amalgamate things in a confounding manner that it becomes virtually impossible for the reader to extract the idea – in fact, the writing was meant to emphasis how we can make our writing better.

In a similar incidence, I have just come across an article in “Nature News” which talked about, “Why writers should not get scared of jargons?”.  More specifically, in scientific writing there are jargons being incorporated and inserted even deliberately to make readers even more curious when they will not be able to extract the exact meaning what the author wants to convey. Though, jargons are not allowed to be included in scientific writing which is fettered with stern set of rules which extract all juice out of it leaving the readers with little or no option rather than pushing themselves to read it and enjoy with it even when they are not willing to.

Basically, the gist of all these writings, articles, opinions are the same – do what you want to do, write the way you want to write. After all, you can’t become a good writer without reading a lot and without making a lots of mistakes, errors.

Every great idea starts with a scratch!  So, make your own scratch your weapon and your strength!